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"Caught in the wave of the world around me"

Hi!!!! Here's some stuff about me/////
Name: Hector Rivera
School Grade:12th
Favorite Bands::Mushroomhead & Slipknot
Activities:Watching Auto Racing On T.V. all kinds of Racing
Goals:Run My Own Company
Sports: Hate them all Other Than Racing
Past Time: Playing Racing Games
Grades==As and Bs. and some Cs
Favorite songs:Slipknot===Disasterpieces, Purity, and My Plague and my ultimate Fav. Surfacing...MushroomHead===Before I die, The Wrist, Kill Tomorrow, The Dream Is Ove, and Solitare Unraveling....
Right Now I'm in High School and I got one more year to go and I'll be out, and trying to find what I want to do for the rest of my life.I Kill For Metal...My two favorite bands are MushroomHead and Slipknot...I'm just addicted to them. What can you do when all you have to hang on is Metal???My ultimate favorite song from Slipknot is "Surfacing" and from MushroomHead "Solitare Unraveling".
Pretty Much addicted to Heavy Meta land all that metal is..
Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Share my passion and want to contribute? Please get in touch!

Just click this address to send me mail:


     Favorite Qoutes:::::

"If It Was Up To Me,,, If It Was Up To Me I'd Free Charles Manson!!!!!"

"In My Eyes You're A Star"

"Search For Love Or War To Restore Disorder Challenge Me"

My end, it justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road


Stapled shut - Inside an outside world

My wormwood meets your pesticide
You'll never get out, coz you were never alive
I am infinite, I am the infant finite
Come a little closer and I'll show you why

How does it feel to be locked inside another dream
That never had a chance of being realized?

(HATE) Hate ain't enough to describe me
(SCREAM) Somewhere between screaming and crying

(DOWN) Scratching and clawing all the way
(STAY) You won't let me fucking stay

Your impossible ego fuck is like a
Megalomaniacal tab on my tongue
You fuckin' touch me I will rip you apart
I'll reach in and take a bite out of that
Shit you call a heart...

I know why you blame me (yourself)
I know why you plague me (yourself)

Kill  you - fuck you - I will never be you
Kill you - fuck you - I will never be you
I can't fuckin' take it anymore
A snap of the synapse
And now it's fuckin' war
Kill you - fuck you - I will never be you

I can feel it on my mouth
I can taste you on my fingers
I can hear you like the holy ghost
And kill you if you get too close !


She seemed dressed in all of me
Stretched across my shame
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me
I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad




Locked Away In A Cage My Rage Has Got The Best Of Me Time Finds A Way Each Day Of Leaving Less Of Me Behind I Find This Fight Must Be Won Inside The Mind So Uptight And Confined Often Blinded By The Light

I've Got To Get Clean The Rain Will Cleanse Me And I've Got To Wash These Filthy Hands

Everyone Crawls To Someone Some Run To The Puppeteer And Volunteer To Become One But Who Pulls The Strings That You Are Attached

Overthrown By Your Children God Willing Shut You Down


Joy Jordison From Slipknot
"I Know Why You Blame Me"

    My Idol Joy Jordison
Real Name:Nathan Jonas Jordison
        The SICKEST Drummer


INSTRUMENT:   Provided By
Old Setup:
Drums: OCDP (Acrylic or Maple)
7x8 Rack Tom
8x10 Rack Tom
9x12 Rack Tom
14x14 Floor Tom (On His Left Side)
16x16 Floor Tom
18x18 Floor Tom
20x22 Bass Drums
7x12 30-Ply Snare Drum

Paiste Rude 14" Crash/Ride
Paiste Rude 14" Hi-Hats
Paiste Rude 16" Crash/Ride
Paiste Rude 18" Crash/Ride
Paiste Rude 10" Splash (Inverted)
Paiste Rude 20" Power Ride
Paiste Rude 20" China
Paiste Rude 20" Ride/Crash

Tama Rack and Stands
Tama Iron Cobra Power Glide Pedals (Tensioned Very High)

Easton AHEAD Sticks
Remo Heads

New Setup:
Pearl Export MX
Color: #31 Jet Black with black hardware
- 22x18 bass drums x 2
- 8x8 tom
- 10x8 tom
- 12x9 tom
- 13x11 tom
- 14x12 tom
- 16x16 floor tom
- 18x16 floor tom
- 14x5.5 snare drum
- DR503 drum rack
- DR501 front bar
- RJ50 mini-expansion bar
- PC50 pipe clamps x12
- CH88 cymbal holders x 8
- CH80 cymbal holders x 8
- CH88L cymbal holder
- TH88 tom holder
- TH88S tom holders x 5
- H2000 hi-hat stand
- D150 Roadster throne
- S2000 snare stand
- P2000C drum pedals x 2
- Easton AHEAD Sticks
- Remo Heads
- Tama Iron Cobra Power Glide Pedals

- Paiste Rude 14" Crash/Ride
- Paiste Rude 14" Hi-Hats
- Paiste Rude 16" Crash/Ride
- Paiste Rude 18" Crash/Ride
- Paiste Rude 10" Splash (Inverted)
- Paiste Rude 20" Power Ride
- Paiste Rude 20" China
- Paiste Rude 20" Ride/Crash


Joy's Toy